Tips for First Time International Travelers

Travel Tips

Traveling is one of the best things that you can do. To explore different cultures, customs and see just how big the world is, it’s a fantastic way to grow as a person. Many people are intimidated by travel. But if you are prepared for visiting other countries, you can go with confidence and spend your time exploring, rather than worrying.

Research Hotels Before Booking

You don’t want to end up in a shady hotel or hostel in another country. Do your homework. Ask friends and family about where to stay in countries they have visited. Read all the reviews online (keep in mind, some reviews may be planted, so be wary of ONLY positive reviews).

Pack Important Contact Info

Most people don’t assume they will need to find a US Embassy or have to go to the hospital. But you never know when an emergency might hit. One of the most common calls we get is someone who was traveling overseas who got injured and needs to come home. Make sure you have all the documents you need to travel (I.D., passport, embassy contact info, etc.) and contact let friends and family know your travel schedule.

Be Open to New Things

Don’t be afraid to immerse yourself in the culture of the countries you visit. Eat their food, explore their fashions, and talk to the locals. They will give you the best advice for places to see and what to do while you’re visiting.

Be Flexible with Your Schedule

It can be overwhelming the first time you travel to a new country and you may feel pressure to fit everything in on your first visit. Don’t try to cram too many things into your day. Give your day flexibility so you can truly take in your experiences. You also don’t want to burn yourself out. Travel takes energy so relax and have fun with it!

Stash Your Cash

Don’t keep all your money in your wallet or purse. In case something happens and you lose your cash, you should keep extra in different areas. Hide cash in your socks, toiletry bags, wear shorts with extra pockets, etc.

Don’t Rely Solely on Guidebooks

Guidebooks are a great way to learn about must-sees in different countries. But relying on them alone to plan your trip is a bad idea. Typically guidebooks stick to the main travel paths in any country. Explore the off-beaten path to truly enjoy and learn about a country. Talk to other travelers and the people that live in each country to learn about the best spots the travel experts don’t know about.

Don’t Get Frustrated

Traveling can wear on your nerves. Traffic, noise and other local customs may start to drive you mad if you’re not used to the environment you are surrounded by. Keep a “go with the flow” attitude, however, and remember that it’s all about learning other cultures. The more you can relax and deal with the minor problems that occur when you travel, the more you will enjoy your experiences and let things go.