Traveling With Disabilities

traveling with disabilities

When you are limited by a disability, travel can be more of a hassle than normal. Almost 38 million Americans suffer with some kind of disability. If you are considering travel and living with a disability here are a few things to know to help you prepare for your trip:

The first thing you should do before you travel is to talk with your doctor. Is the trip safe for you? Will you be comfortable during your flight/car ride? Is there any special needs you will have to think about, or extra medication you will need (for an especially long trip)? Your doctor will explain what you should expect on your journey, if it’s safe and how to manage your travel so you can focus more on fun and less on your disability.

An air ambulance is a great way to travel for those who have medical needs who want to take a trip. Our air ambulance services can include any need that you have to stay healthy and safe during a trip anywhere in the world. An air ambulance is equipped with the proper medication and medical equipment, similar to a hospital or ambulance. An air ambulance also has a medical team to give you support, help administer medication and other needs during your trip.

A commercial air ambulance flight is likely a good choice. It’s much more affordable, however it does offer less privacy. If you don’t need an air ambulance but are flying, make sure you make arrangements with the airline. Many airlines have policies in place to make your flight more comfortable. Call ahead and explain your needs and they will do their best to accommodate you. The same is true if you are taking a train, or on a cruise ship. Communication with the company you book with is key to making your experience as rewarding as anyone else.

You should also have a conversation with your hotel. Is the hotel multiple floors with no elevator? In almost every case a hotel will have a handicapped room that you can book. But you may want to do it directly with the hotel. If you’re outside the United States you may find your room, even if it’s accessible, is not what you’re used to. Talk with others who have stayed in hotels in other countries for the best tips, in addition to your communication with the property.

Make sure you do your research online about where you are visiting. Many international locations may not have the same accessibility laws as in the United States. Research what tourist attractions you want to see at the location and if they cater to special needs, or are wheelchair accessible. There’s no reason to spend thousands of dollars on a big trip if you won’t be able to enjoy many of the attractions you want to see. The good news is there are alternatives to most places. Do research and find online communities that can help. There are several forums with people who have disabilities sharing their travel tips.

If you are disabled and are looking for a way to take a trip, we can help! Our team is ready 24/7 to answer any of your questions and give you a free air ambulance quote. For more information and travel tips like us on Facebook!