Tips to Save Money for Travel

Save money for travel

Most of us want to experience the world. Many travel experts like to ask people “How can you not afford to travel?” as if the answer to taking trips all over the world were as simple as desire. Unfortunately travel is a big expense and millions of Americans who want to travel can’t afford to do so. If you are one of those people there are things that you can start doing right now that will help you start to save and take more trips.

Save Money for Travel by Cutting What You Don’t Really Need:

One of the best ways to save for travel is to cut back on other expenses. Skip the morning coffee and eat out less often and put the money you would normally spend on those luxuries away in a separate account meant just for travel savings. You’ll be surprised how much you can save by skipping even the smallest cups of coffee every day! If you’re a Starbucks addict you’ll be able to afford a trip in no time!

You should also spend less money on activities near your home. Staycation became a popular term during the Great Recession as Americans spent what little free money they had closer to home rather than traveling. For many this has started to become the norm. If you’re fortunate enough to live somewhere with a lot going on, try to look for free events and skip the expensive novelties, like concerts or sporting events. You’ll always have time to enjoy what’s close to you so save that money and accumulate it to take a trip.

For many people simple lifestyle changes can help them save to travel. Sit down and do a budget to find out what can be cut from your life. Cutting a gym membership and working out by running around the neighborhood can save you up to $50 per month, on average, or $600 per year! Skip happy hours with co-workers and save another $20 each time. Cut back on clothing expenses, especially if your closet’s already full.

Reward Yourself, Ask for Help and Look for Travel Deals!

Many people can save for travel (or for other things) by rewarding themselves in the form of payment. Every time you exercise for example, you can pay yourself in a bank account meant for travel. Every time you volunteer, give yourself a bonus for doing good in the community. Anything you’re doing that’s positive can turn into a monetary reward. Not only does paying yourself to reward yourself for doing a task help improve your travel budget, you’ll also be able to meet goals in your personal life.

You should also look for travel deals. If you can be flexible you can sometimes find affordable last minute flights and hotel packages to destinations. There are several groups on social media sites like Facebook that specifically deal with travel discounts. Groupon and other apps also have deals on trips. Be flexible and willing to go to multiple destinations and you’ll find it more affordable to have the best trip possible.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help to allow you to travel more. Ask family for gift cards that can be used for travel in lieu of birthday and holiday presents. If you’re getting a gift anyways, why not add it to your travel bucket list?

Using these tips you can start to put money away by removing the unnecessary things from your life. Learn more travel tips from us and learn how our air ambulance services can help in your time of need if you’re traveling and become injured by liking us on Facebook!