Christmas Travel Tips

Christmas travel tips

The holiday season is upon us, and in a few weeks many of us will be traveling to be with loved ones. Whether you’re traveling for Christmas by air or ground there are a few tips to make the trip more enjoyable and less hectic. Here’s our keys to surviving and enjoying your Christmas journey:

Enjoy the Journey

If you have the luxury of a few days off before and after Christmas, there’s no need to rush to your destination. Avoid trying to pack a long trip in the car into one day and spread the trip out over two or more days. Make stops with the family to enjoy the scenery of the season, visit places you’ve always wanted to see and enjoy the trip. Breaking it up also gives you flexibility in case of bad weather.

Shop Around for Flights

Remember the golden rule about flight: It’s always best to buy your tickets on Tuesday. Ticket prices, on average, are cheapest on Tuesday and most expensive on Fridays. Check multiple sites for the best deals on flights. If you don’t have a set schedule try to fly during non-peak hours (like early mornings or late nights) to avoid crowds and delays.

Become a Weather Expert

Christmas is a time for magical snow-scapes, however flying and/or driving in the stuff can be dangerous. If you are flying and delayed because of winter weather many airlines will re-book canceled flights for free. If you see bad weather on its way call the airline to see if they can schedule you on an earlier flight to get out in front of the storm, and be sure to ask about their re-booking fees.

If You’re Not Christian, Christmas Day is a Great Day to Fly

Christmas Day is a great day to fly if you are not Christian. If you are planning a trip and don’t care about this particular holiday, try to fly on Christmas Day. The flights are far cheaper and the airports are basically deserted. However, airlines may offer fewer flights and certain airport amenities may be closed that day. Still, it is one of the least-stressful days to be at the airport.

If you are driving, don’t head into a storm. In some parts of the country, heading into a storm may mean you’re stuck in your car. Plan an alternate route, leave before the storm (if possible) and make sure to pack your car with extra clothes, blankets and other survival necessities (food and water).

Seek Help When Needed

If you’re elderly and flying for the holidays, or have medical issues but still want to make the trip home, we can help! Our air ambulance services can accommodate your medical needs to ensure you reach your destination and are able to join in all the family fun. Whether you need a commercial airline stretcher or private air ambulance jet, we fly any day, and anytime! Just fill out a quote for more information!

Happy Holidays from everyone at Travel Care Air! For more travel tips, news and medical information like us on Facebook!