How to Avoid Overpacking for a Trip

How to avoid overpacking

When you’re packing for a long trip, less is more. It can be tempting to pack everything in the closet if you are leaving for a long trip, however you will come to regret it. Baggage fees, carrying around a lot of luggage, constant unpacking/repacking and other frustrations will arise if you pack too much. If you keep it simple you will thank yourself in the future. So what stays home, and what should you bring with you? Here are a few tips to avoid the temptation of overpacking for your next trip:

The first thing you should do when packing is to start with a carry on. If you limit the size of the luggage, you’ll immediately resist the temptation to overpack. Try to leave some space in the suitcase as well. Leaving space is important for saving room for souvenirs on your trip. Leaving space will also give you room to repack. Dirty clothes always take up more room than neatly folded, clean clothes.

Another thing to keep in mind when traveling: You can do laundry when you’re on the road. Pack a travel size laundry detergent and don’t be afraid to do laundry while you’re in the hotel or at someone’s house. On every trip there’s a rainy day when you’re stuck inside, or a day when you need to recover. Use that time to do a load or two of laundry. In some cities you can even drop off the laundry and pick it up from the cleaners that day.

Avoid packing things you think you’ll need. Instead, make a list of things that you must have. You can buy more soap, shampoo and other toiletries on the road. Bring just enough to get you started. Also avoid including things that you probably won’t need. Portable mobile device chargers are great, for example, if you’re going somewhere rural, or will be a long ways away from modern conveniences. However if you’re traveling to a big city, just bring your normal USB charger. These days there’s plenty of places you can plug in your phone.

You might be wondering, “Which clothes should I include and which can I leave at home?” Try to opt for neutral colors that will pair well together. Know the climate of the area(s) that you are traveling to and pack accordingly. There’s probably no need for shorts in Boston in November, for example. Bring enough outfits for a week no matter how long your trip. For women, pack more tops for the colder months, and more dresses in the summer. For guys: Polos and other casual shirts work in most environments, whether it’s work or play.

Our last tip: pack a few days ahead of time and leave the suitcase out of sight. The temptation to pack smaller, unnecessary items always happens the night before a trip. Include some money in your travel budget for items that you may forget and pick it up as you travel.

Travel Care Air is an international air ambulance provider, offering commercial and domestic medical transport assistance since 1980. For more travel tips and news follow Travel Care on Facebook!

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